TOP 20 LIL-LA (YU-GI-OH!) Hentai Pics from 2024 (and more)

lil-la (yu-gi-oh!) wiki

The shy, more reserved member of the Live☆Twin online celebrity duo in the Yu-Gi-Oh Official Card Game. With the help of Ki-sikil, Lil-la steals priceless riches using the data they phished from their online livestreams. In both of her forms short blue hair, blue eyes and wings. In her Live Twin form she has a streak of blonde hair, has a stuffed shark, and is wearing a dress. In her Evil Twin form she has glasses, gloves, checkered legwear, a tail and large breasts (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

Alternative names:

Lil-la (yu-gi-oh!) Rule 34

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