TOP 20 YAGEN TOUSHIROU Hentai Pics from 2024 (and more)

yagen toushirou wiki

A Touken Ranbu character. A tantou crafted by Awataguchi, and thus one of the many Toushirou brothers. In 1493, Hatakeyama Masanaga tried to commit hara-kiri using this dagger, but he couldn't cut deep into his flesh. He got angry and threw the dagger, and then the dagger pierced directly through a yagen (a stone mill for medicinal herbs). The dagger gained the reputation for never damaging its master but sharp. That's responsible for its name. He was also owned by Oda Nobunaga at one point. (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

Alternative names:

Yagen toushirou Rule 34

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