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2024 से शीर्ष 20 MINASE IORI हेनतई तस्वीरें (और अधिक)

minase iori wiki

One of the main characters of the Idolmaster series. Spoiled 14-year-old Iori is the daughter of a CEO acquainted with 765 Production's president, joining the studio to prove her ability to succeed to her father. While polite and refined to the audience, she is sharp-tongued towards her fellow idols and even the Producer. However she also occasionally shows a softer side, and is frequently found with her stuffed rabbit "Usa-chan"/ "Charles". (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

वैकल्पिक नाम:

Minase iori Rule 34

रैंडम एनीमे गर्ल्स


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