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#Funny #Ecchi #Sex #Stellar Blade #R34 #hentai #rule34 #r34 |

🔥 Stellar Blade ALREADY Has Stellar Hentai! [10 foto hentai]

Scritto da: EpicSubterfuge - 2 months ago

Like it or hate it, Stellar Blade has become one of the most discussed upcoming games in the recent past. Funnily enough, the controversy around it comes from the rage of those goofy ass, dyed hair weirdos who hate anything that remotely resembles a good looking girl. Turns out that the body they accused of being unrealistic belongs to a very real model… Joke’s on them, we’re buying the game, and drawing a ton of r34 of Eve, because we like pretty things. #StellarBlade #sex #ecchi #hentai #funny

Circa l'autore


EpicSubterfuge è un veterano di R34, che lavora da anni nei settori meno illuminati dell'industria della produzione di oscenità, ora si dedica alla scrittura di fumetti e occasionali commenti spiritosi sul porno.

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