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🔥 Girls Fucking With Machines [9 zdjęć hentai]

Scenariusz: EpicSubterfuge - 2 months ago

When a standard dicking is not doing the trick, and an orgasm is becoming hard to achieve, one can resort to extreme measures to get that stress relief. Machines specifically built to make people cum are possibly the next frontier of debauchery, as they can provide very intense stimulation to those looking for it and do not need time to rest… provided you have enough batteries. #machine #MachineSex #hardcore #sex

O autorze


EpicSubterfuge to weteran R34, który przez lata pracował w przeważnie słabo oświetlonych obszarach branży tworzenia porno, a obecnie zajmuje się pisaniem komiksów i okazjonalnymi dowcipnymi komentarzami na temat porno.

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