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🔥 Horny Girls Doing It Doggy Style! [9 zdjęć hentai]

Scenariusz: EpicSubterfuge - 5 months ago

Known by the romans as coitus more ferarum (intercourse in the way of wild beasts), and in the Kama Sutra as the “cow position”, the good ol’ doggy style position is amongst the oldest ones in the book, and most certainly a classic. While considered unromantic by a few, it is also said that the position helps those with back issues to have a good time, and it also facilitates threesomes, as it enables the passive party to be fucked while also giving oral to someone else. #doggystyle #sex #sexy #

O autorze


EpicSubterfuge to weteran R34, który przez lata pracował w przeważnie słabo oświetlonych obszarach branży tworzenia porno, a obecnie zajmuje się pisaniem komiksów i okazjonalnymi dowcipnymi komentarzami na temat porno.

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